Lamar University is expanding its Cardinal Connect program which enables students to borrow laptops for free.
“Students can borrow a laptop for a period of three days to eight weeks, with the option to extend,” Steven Veron, assistant vice president of I.T. operations, said. “The laptop can be picked up in the Mary and John Gray Library. There is no charge. Only the Lamar ID is required. We give you the bag, the laptop and the power cord.”
Veron said that the idea came from other universities that have similar programs.
“Many students borrow a laptop because they don’t have one of their own,” he said.
Veron said students use the computer lab in the library but it is not open around the clock, and its opening hours do not necessarily align with the students’ work schedule.
“We’ve also had a few laptops checked out for students who had a laptop, but theirs got broken and they had to get it fixed,” Veron said.
The program started in fall 2023 with 22 laptops, James Neil, LU client computing specialist, said.
“So far, the project has been really successful,” he said. “We’re helping out students that don’t have a laptop and make sure they’re able to continue their studies.”
Neil said that all 27 laptops are currently loaned out and he has a waitlist of more than 20 people.
“First come, first served,” he said.
Veron said the he has got positive feedback.
“Students really appreciate having this as an option,” he said. “We’re going to purchase another 53 laptops this semester. That will make a total of 70 available laptops.”
In the long term, Veron said, the number of laptops in the Cardinal Connect program will increase to several hundred.
Students wishing to be added to the waitlist should visit the Gray Library help desk on the first floor.