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CAB hosts champion magician on campus

Magician Benjamin Jackson shows a trick to an audience volunteer in the Lamar University Science Auditorium, Sept. 20.
Benjamin Jackson

Lamar University’s Cardinal Activities Board hosted a magic show on Sept. 20, featuring Benjamin Jackson, the youngest person to win first place at The World Magic Seminar’s International Competition.

The Houston native gives the ancient art of magic a fresh look.

“Magic is about not knowing and not understanding,” Jackson said.

“Ben is absolutely amazing,” Joel Bartsch, president of The Houston Museum of Natural Science said. “His magic goes way beyond mere illusions. You’ve got to see him perform.”

Student reactions to Jackson’s performance of close magic left them speechless.

Ben Jackson performs at the Four Seasons Hotel Houston for students who missed show on campus. For more, visit ­

Magician Benjamin Jackson shows a trick to an audience volunteer in the Lamar University Science Auditorium, Sept. 20.
Magician Benjamin Jackson shows a trick to an audience volunteer in the Lamar University Science Auditorium, Sept. 20.
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