Lamar University’s Public Radio station, 91.3 KVLU, celebrated its 50th anniversary, April 30, in the Live Oak Ballroom at the Setzer Student Center.
The first 50 people received swag bags with a phone stand, a cup, a styrofoam microphone and a chocolate bar, with the chance of receiving a golden ticket for a giveaway prize. People could also make donations in person or through the kvlu.org to receive gifts such as a care basket for their pets and a special KVLU anniversary T-shirt.
Guests included LU President Jaime Taylor, former station manager Byron Balentine, and other members of the community who have watched the station grow into what it is today.
Free refreshments and desserts were provided and the Andre Harness Quartet performed live. Live interview segments were held as well.
“(KVLU’s) had a longtime legacy,” station manager Jason Miller said. “We are the only public radio station in Southeast Texas, with a lot of local content and a lot of media covering the arts and culture of Southeast Texas. That legacy has gone on because of the community and also all of our friends.”
Balentine said he joined the station in its fourth year.
“It’s the golden anniversary, there’s something to be said about any nonprofit lasting 50 years and KVLU has always been always struggling in order to maintain funding and keep things going,” Balentine said. “We've been very fortunate to have listeners who wanted to support us and it's kept us going even beyond our wildest dreams.
“I'm very proud of where KVLU has come over the years. It started out as a local radio station in our primary station building and it has become an integral part of the community and of the university.”
The event was broadcast live and is available for reviewing on the station’s website. For more information, visit kvlu.org.