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Painful Permanent Paintings

aAndy Armendariz tenses up as the pain builds. He grimaces as Zach Armentor tattoos a hawk catching rattlesnake onto Andy’s stomach at the Our Lady Tattoo Parlor in San Marcos, April 11.

Meanwhile, in the next room, Mark Diehl tattoos Kade Iskson. A guitar player, Iskson is getting inked with the cover from his band’s first album. The band members all got the same tattoo on the same day.

Although Armendariz and Iskson are getting different tattoos, one thing still remains the same, the stinging pain from the vibrating needle painting the canvas that is their skin.

This photo story won third place at the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association convention on-site 2-person photo essay contest, April 13, in San Marcos.
This photo story won third place at the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association convention on-site 2-person photo essay contest, April 13, in San Marcos.


Category: Features