Lamar University's health education department held the Walk a Cardinal Mile event, April 11, at the Setzer Student Center. The annual event is intended to show support for victims of sexual assault and also raise awareness for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
The event traditionally features men wearing high heels to empathize with sexual assault victims by literally “walking their shoes.” In previous years, the march was called Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, with only men participating. This is the first year that women also participated in the march.
The walk began in the Setzer Center before circling the Quad and returning to the center. Participants were invited to bring their own heels or borrow some of the red heels provided.
Courtney Jackson, health education department assistant director, said they wanted to change things up for this year’s walk.
“We wanted to make it more inclusive because men and women experience assault,” Jackson said.
Jayna Bonnette, health education program coordinator, said the walk has been happening for approximately 10 years.
“We wanted to highlight that (assault) can happen to anyone,” Bonnette said. “We really wanted to bring awareness in general, while also providing resources in the community.”
Vendors gave out information and resources. A craziest pair of heels contest was held with a Nintendo Switch awarded to the winner. Food and refreshments given after the march.