Lamar University’s Mary Morgan Moore department of music will host a piano festival, Sept. 29-30 in the Rothwell Recital Hall. Events will include masterclasses, recitals and a guest performance by pianists Duo Mundi George and Guli.
“Each of the masterclass participants will perform a piece they have performed for our festival guest artists and receive a public critique, so that both they and the audience can learn,” Jacob Clark, LU associate professor of piano, said.
Duo Mundi George and Guli will hold a piano masterclass for students, Sept. 29, 12:40-2:00 p.m., followed by a Lamar faculty piano recital at 7:30 p.m.
On Sept. 30, a piano masterclass for pre-college students will be held from 9-11:30 a.m., followed by a pre-college student recital at 1 p.m. A Lamar piano studio recital is set for 3 p.m.
The festival concludes with a recital by Duo Mundi George and Guli at 7:30 p.m.
Clark will perform at the faculty recital, along with piano instructor Sujung Cho and collaborative piano instructor Michael McAndrew.
Admission to the event is free.
“(It is open to) anyone who enjoys piano music — pre-college students, college students, faculty, and the general public,” Clark said.