Annual Easter Ball Is Tonight ‘Old South’ Is Theme Of Dance
March 3, 1956
The annual Easter Ball, presented by the Southern Belles of Lamar Tech, will be held in the college dining hall tonight. The theme of this year’s dance is “The Old South,” and will be carried out with decorations of wisteria and magnolia blossoms suggested by traditional splendor of South.
The selection and presentation of the Belle of the Ball is always the highlight of the Easter Ball. This year the plans have been carried to the ultimate for perfection in presentation. Each guest at the dance will be allowed to vote for his choice for this honored position.
Music for the dance will be provided by Harry Vaughn and his orchestra. Bids for the formal affair are $2 and may be obtained from any Southern Belle member.
Immediately following the dance all members of the Belles and their dates will be guests at a breakfast at the Sea Castle restaurant. Frances Berry is in charge of the reservations for the breakfast, and Sue Davis with the help of Carolyn Cox and Dianne Daigle will display her decorating ability at the breakfast.
Anita Bond, business manager and general chairmen of the dance, has announced the completed plans and committees. The committees handling the task of providing the decorations, entertainment and other vital details of the dance are made up of: Orchestra, Jane Swarts and Nanette Daleo; decorations, Pat Sparacino, Coleen McDonald, Nancy Parker, Agnes Bailey and Donna Sterling.
Bids are being handled by Joyce Pool. Judy Powell is chairmen of the program committee on which Toni Follmer and Bobby Mosley are working. Shirley Woodell, Liz Benton, Silvia McKinely and Bette Stead have been responsible for the pre-dance publicity.
All arrangements for the selection and presentation of the Belle of the Ball have been made by Theta Ann Watt and Wanda Cruse.
Compiled From the Archives by Ja’Leigh Cerf.