(The following story was lifted from the archives of the University Press (or The Redbird as it was previously called).
Oct. 17, 1969
Redbird News Editor Enthusiasm over floatbuilding stimulated members of three fraternities to camp out in front of the Student Activities office Tuesday to file their float themes first,
Armed with blankets, pillows and school books, fraternity pledges slept and studied with relief shifts coming every two hours.
“The object of the game is to get your organization’s theme in first so no one else can use it,” John Stewart, Sigma Nu pledge, said.
“Our reason for being here id we’re proud of our fraternity,” said Arthur Mehos, Sigma Phi Epsilon pledge.
“We came early, we were first in line, because it shows our efforts to be first in everything else,” Alvin Stahl, Sig Ep pledge said.
Joel Chess, Sigma Chi pledge, said “I want to make Sigma Chi No. 1 on campus, so that Lamar’s Epsilon Chi chapter can live up to its national ranking.
Sigma Nu and Sig Ep pledges said they volunteered for the all-night vigil. Sigma Chi pledges were selected by their pledges class “to take the load off the activities” back, Chess said.
“We believe we have a tremendous idea for a float, we want to be at the first of the line, so Sigma Nu can get their idea in first and hopefully win first,” Stewart said.
True to their cause, the pledges were at the door when the student activities office opened with Sigma Phi Epsilon registering first. Regardless of their reasons, their organizations were the first three registered and with non- conflicting themes.